Dr. Norman Borlaug

Dr. Norman Borlaug was an American agronomist and humanitarian who is considered to be one of the most important figures in the 20th century in the fight against hunger and famine, known for his development of high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat varieties that significantly increased global food production.

Dr. Norman Borlaug seen standing in Mexican wheat field with a group of biologists
Dr. Norman Borlaug, third from the left, trains biologists in Mexico
on how to increase wheat yields - part of his life-long war on hunger.

Here's a time line of Dr. Borlaug's life:

"Borlaug's life and achievement are testimony to the far-reaching contribution that one man's towering intellect, persistence and scientific vision can make to human peace and progress."
-- Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

It is recommended that you take the time to learn more about this remarkable individual by reading their Wikipedia entry.